I came accross this on my tinternet travels, not sure about it to much, and not even to sure on the scale, but it looks kinda interesting. any input on this would be great guys. Anyone play it ?
yes, yes...... by demand I have found out how to creat a basic forum, my age and poor computing skills did not hold me back this time. so please guys lets make the figures look good and join the forum. keep in touch and I promise to bombard you with tabletop gaming news from all over the world.

Also take alook see at this cool space ship for Firestorm Armada. Which is on its way to me. (the rule book for it , not the miniature) I used to love Battlefleet Gothic by our old GW so I'm really looking forward to playing this, the ships are also very big resin pieces so fingers crossed this is gonna be awesome.

I was most fortunate to have an email interview with the gentleman who createrd Pulp-city Heroes, the Skirmish superhero game which I am enjoying playing and collecting at the moment. so big thanks to Maciej Zylewicz.

Please vist their website @ www.pulp-city.com

how long have you guys now been up and running ?

I started working on the game roughly 5 years ago, first stuff was announced online 4 years ago and we opened up the sales 3,5 years ago.

how did you start out ? was it very small scale or did you come from other larger projects?

It started and pretty much still is a hobby project. From the very beginning it was just me, now I have one formally employed co-worker and an amazing team of consultants, designers and friends who help me out with the game.

The initial idea was to provided top concepts turned into miniatures sculpted by professionals. Initially we were super tight on budget as the miniature games do not have fast or instant returns.

Over the years I pressed on to warrant the highest artistic quality of the sculpts and the presentation and you can probably see that each next wave is usually better than the previous one ( I guess it is like with the musicians, they tend to like the last album best).

also why super heroes ? was it from a love of super heroes or was it just because you had noticed a gap in the market?

There is as gap in the market. There are very few well sculpted super-heroes on the market. But it is a niche within a niche. While the comic-book tag attracts some Customers, it shuts the door in front of the others.

I am a huge comic book fan. I love retro 50's stuff as well as the modern day series. Pulp City had been walking both worlds, taking a bit from the Golden&Silver eras and from the modern, where spandex isn't an obligatory item.

how long did play testing take? did you always use cards to represent the characters or did you toy about with other things like army lists ?

Playtesting is a process. Coming up with the core rules is 10% of the success, maintaining interesting rules for Supremes is the ongoing process.

Every game lives a certain life-cycle, after which it has to fine-tune itself because 100 models = 100 little rules sets and they have to work together!

I am a big believer of the "ockhamization" - cutting out irrelevancies from the game rules to allow the players to focus on the core of the experience: strategy and fun!

How hard was it to get a foot hold in a market that seems dominated by bigger model companies ?

Yes, it is. For big companies, direct productions costs are the biggest challenger (hence striving to switch to plastic or cheaper alternatives to pewter), for smaller companies it is the creation costs (as they are exactly the same as for the giants, but they are spread over fewer copies of each model sold).

Please mind most of the small companies assume the break-even policy as they are run by people with dayjobs etc.

and finally where do you see pulp city going ? would you ever move onto plastic miniatures or even smaller scale resin models?

Not at this point. Pewter is the part of the appeal and part of the magic of the hobby - it is as old-school as it gets.

a year from now what do you see pulp city looking like? are there anymore factions or super teams on the horizon?

I see a much higher model count then in 2011. We got some amazing things down the line, so it is worth waiting.

First on the agenda is to complete all current subfactions. So you may expect likes of VH or Papa Zombie.

Then... we may have a small surprise for all the Pulp City citizens!

thank you for your time.

Maciej Zylewicz (morf)

Hello all,
Well After some long late night dedication to the internet. (no..no.. it's all above board!!)
I have decided on the first 2 games to be reviewed by me on the quest for the ultimate tabletop game.
First off is not so daring, it is INFINITY the sci-fi skirmish game. this is also the game that has the 1st miniature I have rated on miniatures on parade. I have been recomended it many times by many people so in i jump. I have ordered from my local games company 2 starter sets with a few extras, and a rules book. all of which I will get back to you with soon.

secondly is a little out field. I will be looking at PULP-CITY. an odd chice as it is a game I have asked many friends about over the times and they have all said oh yeah the super-hero game I heard thats really good; Have you play'd it I'd ask ? No. do you know anybody who has ? errr.. No. and so it goes on. a game everyone talks about but never plays.
Oddly I spent about £200 on ths game rules figures the lot and never played it. So I have ordered a few more bits and some replacement cards I've misplaced and this will be my second game of choice.
Stay tuned
Wow ok well lets hit you with it. I have been involved in tabletop gaming / RPG gaming for the last 20 years. Than includes working for gaming companies and just casually playing games. For the last 6 years I have (all but once) exclusively play'd Games Workshop games both 40k and Fantasy.
But now I have decided enough is enough. GW I still play and I played it exclusively for so long for many reasons (I'll come to that)
Due to random price rises my personal pocket change, what I want from a game Plus another mysterious point I will get to latter I have decided to look for more games to play.
This journey I want to share with everyone who will listen, with reviews, best of's, rumours and tournament scene.
o I have play'ed Games workshop games exclusivly for the last few years
(all but once) but why? GW is the biggest gaming company and everything I want
is really at my fingertips. I enjoy playing games most of all and GW has a store
in most every large town that once or twice a week I can pop down to and play
against old and new faces. Thats just what I want. I want to access information
whenever I want be it while bored or looking for new releases or whats available
to buy. GW have a website dedicated to all that and more.

so Basicly ~I have become a lazy gamer and as a Lazy gamer GW
gives me all my lazy ass needs when I need it.

I'm a lazy gamer I quickly eat up the price hikes and over priced rule books
that as far as rules go, are as old as I am and are (compared to many other
systems) frankly stale, with a you go~I go style of play, that lead to  some
games feeling like an exercise in rolling tomany dice, rather than a top of the
market stratigical and tactical game that it once

Now I once did find a game. All by
accident. Called Confrontation by a French company called Rackham. I was still a
thrall to GW at the time but I became mesmerized by this French skirmish game.
The models were'nt models at all but sculptures and reasonable in price. They
had a website with figures that were painted better than I knew figures could
be. The system was innovative with cards and dice that allowed reactive choices
doing things in your oponents turn no less.  To top it off rules were not only
available to buy but could be downloaded free !! heresy!! I hear you cry . I was
simply blown away by all of it, the game, the website, the tournament scene and
even the ridiculously over priced magazine which I subscribed

So Rackham went the way of the pair. they
changed the rules about 3 times in a few months odd I thought. (all
downloadable) The the director at the time announced that the models were going
to be made in plastic and pre-painted..... hmmmm. Then a few short months after
this another announcement confrontation as we know it was going to be scrapped
and replaced by a large unit you go I go style game. what the
I was ...... upset..... and any how Who wanted a perfect
game where there was a new tournament every 3 months and only cost £12 to enter.
or board games that included exclusive miniatures.

frankly guys and gals.... I want it back all the rackham stuff all the fun all
the feelings of it the new inovative system the new way to play it, read it,
live it and I attempt to use theese pages to go through games we have on offer
today maybe tomorrow and some older retro stuff and discover a new Rackham
Confrontation, and I want you with me on such journey.