Hello all,
Well After some long late night dedication to the internet. (no..no.. it's all above board!!)
I have decided on the first 2 games to be reviewed by me on the quest for the ultimate tabletop game.
First off is not so daring, it is INFINITY the sci-fi skirmish game. this is also the game that has the 1st miniature I have rated on miniatures on parade. I have been recomended it many times by many people so in i jump. I have ordered from my local games company 2 starter sets with a few extras, and a rules book. all of which I will get back to you with soon.

secondly is a little out field. I will be looking at PULP-CITY. an odd chice as it is a game I have asked many friends about over the times and they have all said oh yeah the super-hero game I heard thats really good; Have you play'd it I'd ask ? No. do you know anybody who has ? errr.. No. and so it goes on. a game everyone talks about but never plays.
Oddly I spent about £200 on ths game rules figures the lot and never played it. So I have ordered a few more bits and some replacement cards I've misplaced and this will be my second game of choice.
Stay tuned
1/17/2012 05:21:46 am

How much??? And you've never played it??? Ha ha ha!!! I'm seriously thinking about the Aelph starter set from Infinity...

1/17/2012 09:52:27 pm

Well Aelph are from what I can see the newest faction hence there limited range. they remind me of that Will Smith film. is it I robot ??

2/6/2012 02:29:25 am

Hi! I'm one of the people on the rules design team for Pulp City, and if you have any questions about the game or play, let me (and the rest of the forum know) and we'll be glad to help you.

Hope you enjoy your stay in Pulp City and that it's a long one!

Now, to get everyone else to become citizens of our fine town instead of just talking about it!


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