Ok I promised a review of infinity the wonderful sci-fi game that is doing very well at the moment. I have ordered the rulebook and a collection of 2 factions to use, all of which have turned up and at the moment I am going through the motions of reading and gluing etc.


I have (as I usually do) been a little side tracked over the past 48 hours with a game I stumbled upon, and now think it deserves a mention. And since I have brought  (ordered) a starter box on the strength of a 20 minute tour of there site, I want to run you guys what little I know about it in the hope of giving it some coverage, as everyone I’ve spoken too has never heard of it.

The game in question is by a French company called Taban and the game in question is called EDEN.

Again we are talking cards and characteristics, both look good and much fun. I have been driven toward the Clown gang called the jokers and have brought their starter pack to have a look into it. The setting seems very post apocalypse almost MADMAX style game, but with slightly larger than normal figures about 36mm. (some upto 80mm)  there seems to be the now standard action / order points and I have been told the system plays very similar to Freebooters fate game, (which I haven’t played) which I hear is very fun with, hit locations, head, torso and arms etc. Unlike other games you have mission cards and tactical cards which from what I can see describe mission parameters do’s and don’ts and victory conditions. If this is true it might mean each faction / opponent can come to the table with there own set of mission cards and place them in such a way that there should be loads of combinations of game play. But…. Watch this space….. some more.

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