So here it is first game under my belt. And first off it all looks very good. I ordered about £200 worth of stuff for this game including scenery, rulebook etc.
The figures turned up in sets of 2 - 4 models in not blisters but boxes, all well illustrated and looking good in a nice matt/ gloss finish. the models all come with stat cards again looking fine well finished no problems at all. Finally the pewter models all seem well formed very little if any flash and simple mold lines. excellent.
    The rulebook is hard back colour illustrated and nicely finished with comic style pictures.
 I used a 4X4 board to play my first game on  using warhammer 40k city section scenry, about 4 large buildings and 1 small.

The game play'd very well, we started off with 3 (me and my 2 friends) players each with a duo (thats 2 figures each!!) The play to begin with was slow. in an activation of 1 model, doing 2 combined actions or some exclusive, slow, single action.  the turn then passes to the next player until a pool of action points are spent. There is a limit on how many actions each model can take in any 1 turn. lower level characters having a  4-5 point allowance, but you can activate a character more than once in a game turn. one of my opponents did feel a little limited by his low level character, he was wanting his character to drop from a building ledge, move into close range and execute an attack, which was more actions in 1 round than his was allowed. This did seem a little frustrating but I could see as some of the characters being used were of greater level that  if these guys had more freedom they would start to over dominate the game.

Overall the game played well. each character is like a mini RPG character with a good set of statistics and skills but also exclusive powers, shooting attacks auras and deffeensive abilities. This led to us taking along time to play even with just 2 characters each, I enjoyed this level of complexity but as I owned the game I had the priviledge of having more understanding of skill sets. It also became apparent that some characters worked really well together, but apart, they were absolutely useless, as I found out! I let my 2 friends choose their characters first, (to be fair) , then I chose after. I decided to choose a character I liked the look of, a cool vampire guy who has 2 sets of cards, 1 day time and 1 night time, this seemed a really nice touch. 1 of my opponents also picked an undead banshee style character but sadly when I matched up with my vampire against him I soon realised that all of my exclusive special powers only worked against LIVING characters. (so not chatacters with living dead,construct or mechanical skill) so I ended up in a fist fight for 3 rounds. This was again frustrating but as we only used 2 characters each, obviously with a normal sized game of 4-5 models + each this would not happen so offten and be so limiting.

Conculsion:  An excellent game really fun. the mechanics are simple, just opposed rolls of D6 + abilities Vs. opponents D6 + abilities, the difference is the damage or efffect.
the models are good, very simple but good. they do the job and are not cluttered with unnecessary objects. The feel, at least first off, is that because each character seems like a mini RPG character there is alot going on there, alot to remember, alot of coins and markers floating around the table. But I think give it a few goes with the same charatcers or factions and this would rectify itself.

Presentaion: 8/10
Mood & feel: 9/10
Complexity: 8/10
Miniatures: 6/10
Fun:               8/10
 Overall:       7/10

All in all an excellent game. But not quite what I want as my Rackham Confrontaion world consuming game.

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